Security Score Card using Nuclei Automation


Nuclei by Project Discovery is a great tool for automation, and I've started using the tool for automated scanning of vulnerabilities and for automated regression testing. I find it very useful in adding customized templates and get accurate results. Now for a complete automation, I've written python wrapper around my nuclei test cases and added the python script to the crontab. It may not be possible to automate 0-days, but once it is a 1-day, you should have an automation to check for the vulnerability, else someone else will find it.

The Idea of Score Card:

Everything works great, and my target is a fixed set of around 600 servers. I had an idea to build an executive level dashboard, that can calculate a score based on the results of the automation. So, I started to build a score-card using Site24x7, 

The Logic:

The logic is a weighted sum of the categories of issues found. 

For example in a given scenario,

Severity Score

High 60 

Medium 30 

Low 10 

The formula for the score, 

(number of passed checks failed)*( Risk score for the check) /(Total number of checks performed)

On summing the value in each category, I will arrive at a total value < 100, which will the Security Score of the application. 


The Grading System:

Once the scoring is done, the next idea is to build a Grading System, It is basically an executive level score-card, and on seeing the grade, then High level management should be able to understand the Security Posture of a given Application/Vendor. 

GradeScore Range


Add this to a Monitoring Solution:

Once all the scoring and the grading is complete, the next thing is reporting and sharing, for which I used Site24x7 Plugin Monitoring, using which I created a custom Plugin Monitor and started pushing this security score card data into the system and it really helps me in Alerting, Dashboard and Reporting. The score-card looks something like the below one, which shows the list of High, Medium, Low severity issues and the corresponding grading of the application.



 Overall the idea turned out well for me. Now as a second step I'm planning to add more number of Automation cases and include more number of Attack Surfaces and do a complete Attack Surface Monitoring and Posture Management to Executives and Top Management. 

It's important to automate the basic checks and the vulnerabilities that you have discovered already. Nuclei Saves a lot of time in achieving this. Please share your comments and replies

Please read part 1 : How I used Nuclei to Automate Basic Security Checks


  1. Writing a custom template makes it very specific in nature. I mean if you found any vulnerable on app, you can document the HTTP definition, can it be used for other app?
    I understand that nuclei can may fit for RE-run, not for reuse. Any thoughts?

    1. Hi,
      It is not possible to reuse custom templates on a different app. I primarily use the custom templates for regression.

      With respect to re-use, if you find a bug in a common library that can be run/tested over different apps, then you can push it to community github page, for others use. (this case is zero-day) .

      My scenario is to build a framework for scoring that will take in to account of different factors and Attack Surfaces,

      Different Factors:
      1. Static analysis
      2. Nuclei community Templates
      3. Custom Templates
      3. Open bugs

      and running over around 500 servers at regular intervals.

    2. If the above reply is not clear, please let me know. I'll share further details.

    3. Okay vinoth. Got it. Thanks


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